John Kerry Insults the Electorate

 So how does Democrat Leader John Kerry hope to win over voters??? By insulting them of course:

“We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening,”

So I guess that Mr. Kerry needs to go visit a doctor because the Senator has clearly lost a portion of his memory…Mr. Kerry do you remember a little campaign slogan called “Hope and Change”.


President Obama promised to bring hope to a nation that was afraid that the nation’s economy was on the verge of a complete collapse, and the change?  Well the President never explained what that change would be, now did he?

And as far as uninformed voters I will be glad to agree that part of the population was very uninformed in 2008 and I’m sure they will be just as ill-informed as they were then…but who were these ignorant voters?  Democrat(No not all Democrats but many of the Obama Zombies were) don’t believe me watch this:

The very best thing as a country is to have a very well-informed voting base, but truth be told many who vote are not well-informed.  Most people I know (and yes they are young people) are more interested in College football, the NFL, and baseball, and thus they pay no attention to the damage that is happening to the nation thanks to this so far unstoppable One Party rule. 

Kerry is trying to blame the voters for being to stupid to see all the wonderful things the Democrats have done for them. Well Mr. Kerry it is not the voters who are too stupid to see the consequences of the Democratic rule, it is members of your Party and the media, come November a tidal wave will come in and wash away the garbage and hopefully sweep in new Conservative Members who can help slow down this massive growth of the Federal Government.  If the American people fail to washout the Democratic Party then there will be no stopping the United States from going over the cliff to join Greece in bankruptcy.


How Obama Got Elcected

Senator Lindsey Graham Wants a Hike in Gas Tax

More Pain at the Pump?. (Video from Fox News)

Senators Lindsey Graham, Joe Lieberman and John Kerry seek to impose an aditional $0.15 cent sales tax per gallon of gas.  At a time when the price of fuel is already rising higher and higher these three Statist seek to control you through the power of taxation.  They are trying to impose their Cap and Trade lite on the American People by costing all of us more money.  In a time when the nation’s economy is strugling we can’t keep having more taxes piled up on the American people.

I call out in desperation to the Great people of South Carolina, Get Rid of this Right Winged Statist.  Graham takes every oppertunity to stab Conservatives in the back.  Graham is a Democrat Lite and he believes that only through the Government can we solve the nations problems.

Lindsey its time for you to go home!

(PS: to all those in Arizona its time to send Senator John McCain home to because he will be supporting this bill and others just like it if he is re-elected!)